Halona’s Experience

How the Pain of Your Child Can Help You Succeed

You want to protect your child from harm.

Every person wants a good parent and every parent wants to be a good person.

As much as you want to, you cannot protect your child from everything harmful. Some things are here to serve both of you. No matter how painful, there is an opportunity within the pain.

Halona heard me as a keynote speaker and immediately wanted me to work with her daughter, who just came out of the hospital. After coaching her daughter for a few months, I found her daughter healed quickly and no longer needed my assistance. I suggested ending her term sooner, even though Halona insisted. I asked if Halona would like to take the opportunity to work together or continue on their own as normal and owe nothing more. She accepted the offer to work together. After 3 months of coaching and several events later, she grew her own business, helping people start their nonprofits and empowering “at-risk” girls. At one of her first events, I was invited to speak at.

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Where are you suffering and what are you willing to let go to grow into the best version of yourself?

Some things are too close for you to see what is possible.

Let’s do this together.


Brandon’s Experience