We collect your name, email, and/or phone number to send you information on how to receive holistic life coaching assistance from Brandi Kiana-Jo, LLC. If enrolled into a program, certain payment information is required to secure placement in the coaching program and process payment.
Group and camaraderie sessions are recorded for educational and marketing purposes. Your information in your private one-on-one sessions and any other form of communication from premium coaching are held in the strictest confidence and will not be sold or shared to any third party unless compelled to by law or with signed permission from you. With the exception of coaching clients under 18 years old, the Client must fill out a Feedback Form after each session to share with their parent/guardian to ensure the safety and protection of Client and Coach.
The Client agrees to keep the Coach's information and all documents, presentations, and media of Brandi Kiana-Jo, LLC private unless expressed with written permission from Coach Brandi Kiana-Jo, owner and publisher.