Brandi Kiana-Jo

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Self-Sabotage: Why You Do It

What is self-sabotage?

Self-sabotage happens when you deliberately prevent a good thing from happening in your life. That good thing can be in your relationship, career, finances, material, experience, or any opportunity that has is offered to you as great potential to be a benefit in your life.

Have you been self-sabotaging? To find out if you do and why you do it, read the 8 reasons why people self-sabotage.

#1 You haven’t healed from pain in the past, so you are forecasting the future with your past experiences to which prevents you from making the right decisions in the opportunities that you are given today.

#2 You don’t trust others because you’ve witnessed someone being deceitful, and you let that lead your judgment on a good or similar opportunity that comes your way.

#3 You don’t believe you deserve it because of something you blame yourself for and consciously or subconsciously punish yourself by not accepting it.

#4 Your fear of abandonment: you’re scared of it really being great or successful, and you fear losing it and that if you go all in, you’ll feel the depths of pain and don’t know how you will cope.

#5 You are in denial; you don’t believe the situation (relationship, material, experience, or opportunity) truly exists so you don’t go full in or reciprocate fairly.

#6 You fear rejection; you’re scared of really showing yourself because it makes you feel too uncomfortable, and that makes you feel incapable of handling it successfully, so you convince yourself that you don’t want this situation.

#7 You don’t appreciate it because you are emotionally detached. You’re guarded and don’t want to depend on others. In fact, you’ve been guarded for so long that you don’t know how to be emotionally available, so you consciously or unconsciously overlook the opportunities that exist in front of you.

#8 You lack the experience to behave in such a way that provides health to the situation. You hurt it rather than help it grow.

Why Self-Sabotage Exists

Some time ago, you were convinced that you were not enough, and that repeats in your mind that you can’t accept such a high-quality opportunity, whether that is in relationships, career, emotion, material like money, or some other experience. You have it ingrained in your mind that you can’t receive it, so you act in ways to ensure that you don’t or shouldn’t, which reinstates the pain that was already there, confirming your belief that you cannot accept it. The biggest part of this problem is that it happened so long ago that it became normal to you. It was a reality you believe in, and because of that, it is difficult for you to step out of your comfort zone. While you are trying to keep yourself in your comfort zone, you’re hurting the opportunities that come your way to help you; it’s not just affecting you but the people who are offering it to you.

You don’t have to keep self-sabotaging your relationships, business opportunities, health, or other opportunities that come into your life. You can stop the repetitive patterns that leave you feeling small, anxious, and held back from moving forward. Step out of your comfort zone and be open to the possibilities that are offered to you. If you’d like some extra support, I’m happy to get you there.

If you don’t know me already, my name is Brandi Kiana-Jo. I’m a holistic life coach, and I help people overcome emotional hardships, rediscover their power, and live a more fulfilling life that inspires others. If you believe you’re put on this earth for a reason but you’re not living up to your greatest potential, it’s about time we meet. Everyone has a gift, and I’d love to help you unleash yours. Stop self-sabotaging today and schedule your introductory session. I have a few programs specifically designed to help you overcome this.

You came across this for a reason so let’s do something positive about it.

Learn how to recalibrate and get back on the right track. No more self-sabotage. No more excuses. It’s just about moving forward one step at a time.